The basic concept of Flexo was widely accepted, and many brick builders found it an elegant solution to a problem they had long wanted to solve. Two successful Kickstarter campaigns showed us that much at least. But when it came time to move things to the next level, there was a lot to consider. “We knew we wanted to increase …
How far can we shoot with the bow and arrow?
Well we have designed the bow to shoot the arrow over a number of distances. We appreciate that a bow and arrow needs to be handled with care and respect, so the design has accommodated different tendon strengths that make up the bow’s spring-pack, this is what gives flex to the bow. The tendon chosen is proportional to the distance …
Where did the idea for Flexo come from?
Flexo was born in a physio clinic, well the idea for it was anyway. Mark was waiting for his appointment for his torn bicep tendon and looking at images of the human body. He found it fascinating the way solid matter, such as bone, was made flexible by tendons and muscles and marveled at the perfect engineering that makes our …
Who is behind Flexo?
Mark Stolten is the genius behind Flexo – although he’s the first to admit, it might not have got this far without the incredible team of clever people he has around him. Mark has always been an inventor, and was ‘modifying’ his parents possessions from a young age, most memorably enlarging the exhaust pipe system on his father’s Chrysler Valiant …