Flexo is on a mission. We believe in a world where business helps people. Where commerce means more than just turning a profit. Where success is shared with the community.
Flexo FUNraiser is a system designed to help organisations at a grass roots level reach their financial goals with ease. And we think a little fun should be thrown in as well.
This is fundraising made easy.
Have a code?
Enter your code below to track your FUNraiser progress:
The FUNraiser Process
Running a FUNraiser couldn't be easier.
- A school or non-profit organisation assigns a Programme Administrator for the FUNraiser. We provide them with all the material they need to run the campaign.
- We issue you with a unique coupon code that you pass on to all your members, supporters, family and friends.
- Every time someone purchases Flexo on our website using the coupon code, you get 35% of the purchase price (ex GST & shipping).
- You and your supporters can track your FUNraiser progress through your own FUNraiser page on our website.
We track the results and present them to you!
Create Competition with FUNraiser Plus.
For those schools and organisations who want to create some internal competition and see who the best FUNraisers are, we've created FUNraiser Plus.
Instead of just a single coupon code for the whole organisation, we give you a set of unique coupon codes for each department, class, employee or student.
You can track progress on our website with your own private leaderboard that shows you which coupon codes have raised the most money. All the data can stay anonymous so you can protect everyone's privacy.
No Financial outlay by you
Keep it simple – let us do the heavy lifting.
Upfront cost is the prohibitive factor in so many modern fundraising schemes. We don’t require any of that nonsense. In fact, we provide the materials, labour and product FREE.
People that purchase through your FUNraiser get up to a 20% discount off RRP, and then you keep 35% of their purchase.
Not just the profit – the whole darn lot.
Reach your goals faster with product people want.
We provide the systems
Seamless end to end support.
We want to see you reach your goals. To that end, we provide you with EVERYTHING you need to monitor your campaign.
Create competition within your organisation by competing for sales. Motivated sellers get rewarded!
We keep all the records and disperse funds at the end of the campaign. There’s no dealing with returns, shortfalls or delivery of product for you to worry about!
What could be simpler?!
So what are we selling together?
The whole Flexo product catalogue!
Sure we could offer a small range for your supporters to choose from. But where’s the fun in that?!
You reach your goals faster with higher ticket items. So we’ve opened up access to the whole online store!
Nothing is off limits!
How does the math look?
Flexo vs. chocolate bars
Let’s say you have a fundraising goal of $10,000.00
Fundraising with Flexo:
- You choose the price your supporters pay – full retail or up to 20% off.
- With Flexo, you need to sell 1,680 Ocean Life units at $19.95 (RRP), or 2,090 units at $15.95 (20% off).
- You keep $5.94* per unit (RRP), or $4.77* per unit (20% off) *GST has been paid prior by us.
- Your upfront financial outlay is $0.00
Fundraising with chocolate:
- You need to sell 12,500 individual units.
- RRP is $2.00
- Your supporters pay $2.00, you keep $0.80 per unit.
- Your upfront financial outlay is $15,000.00
With Flexo you pay $0 to raise $10k.
With chocolate you pay $15k to raise $10k.
It just makes financial sense.